two women holding pink and red mugs
E-GK 10-5 xtra: Oral exam

6. tons of practice

1. cartoon analysis

exercise 1: Now do a complete analysis of a cartoon.

2. vocabulary work „environment“

exercise 2: Here is a text about our environment. Copy the text and fill in the blanks.
exercise 3: What whe should or should not do to protect our environment. Copy these sentenses into your exercise book.
exercise 4: Environmental problems - fill in the gaps and copy the text into your exercise book.

3. discussion stuff – videos

a) reduce, recycle, reuse

exercise 5: Which problems does the video present? What are the results?
exercise 6: The "Three Rs" (RRR). What are they? Give examples.

b) how to talk about the environment

ex. 7: … under construction …

3. texts on the environment

a) Greta Thunberg’s speech „How dare you!“

exercise 8: Watch Greta Thunberg’s famous speech. Read the text and note new words/phrases/sentences. Translate them.

3. special issues

a) fracking

Fracking is a very controversial method to get natural gas from deep layers inside the earth. There have been lots of discussions about it.

exercise 9: Describe the method „fracking“.

exercise 10: Why is it so controversial?

b) climate change – causes and effects

c) plastic waste – What happens to a plastic bottle?

d) renewable energies, traditional energies

man couple love people
E-GK 10-5 xtra: Oral exam

5. time for discussion

1. summary: energy forms – things to be done

Now you can bring many aspects together using this worksheet:

exercise 1: Download the worksheet above and work on it with your partner.

2. controversial positions

Every discussion needs controversial oppinions and positions. Here you find some examples:

renewable energies can stop the climate changenon-renewable energies are not responsible for the climate change
politics needs to do more to stop climate changepolitics is doing enough to stop climate change
climate change has a huge impact on our lifesclimate change has no impact on our lifes
students should protest on Fridays in order to stop climate changestudents can’t do anything to stop climate change and should rather stay in school
schools and other public places shouldn’t use plastic dishesplastic dishes are no problem and have their advantages
ecology is a matter of politics and economy/industryprotection of our environment is a matter of private consumption/behaviour
exercise 2: Choose one of the positions with your partner and start discussing. After that note your arguments.

3) questions

These questions are taken from:

  1. Are there litter laws where you live? If so, what is the penalty for littering?
  2. Do you think cars should be banned from city centers?
  3. Do you think people should recycle newspapers? Why or why not?
  4. Do you think there are lessons to learn from nature?
  5. How has the world changed since you were a child? (technology, values, environment, health)
  6. How often is garbage collected in your neighborhood?
  7. If humans are really intelligent and not simply manipulated by their genes like any other animal, why can’t they do anything about overpopulation?
  8. What are some things that can be recycled?
  9. What are some things that your community is doing to help the?
  10. What are some things which you recycle?
  11. What are some types of pollution?
  12. What are some ways that you can reduce pollution in this country?
  13. What can you do to help prevent pollution?
  14. What can you do to make this world a better place?
  15. What do you think of people who smoke cigarettes indoors?
  16. Which is more important, increasing people’s standard of living, or protecting the environment? Think of a situation in your area involving this issue. Which side would you choose?
  17. Who do you think is more responsible for pollution, individual people or the government? Explain.
  18. What is the most important issue facing the environment today?
  19. Do you know about any anti-pollution programs in your community? What about programs in your native country?
  20. Do you usually drink bottled water? Why or Why not?
  21. If you could choose one alternative energy source to develop which one would you choose? Why?
  22. Are companies more or less environmentally responsible now than they were in the past? Why do you think that is?
  23. Do you think recycling is an important community service? Do you recycle?
  24. Who should pay for the costs associated with renewable energy?
  25. Should we make the development of renewable energy sources an economic priority?
  26. What are some ways energy is wasted?
  27. What types of energy are popular in your native country?
  28. What is the main problem with renewable energy sources?
  29. What can large cities do to improve their air quality?
  30. How can we protect the environment and at the same time improve people’s standard of living?
  31. Do you think overpopulation is an important environmental issue? Why or why not?
  32. Should an environmental levy be imposed on SUVs not used in the farming community? How would this help the environment?
  33. Should gas for motorists be more expensive?
  34. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of this?
  35. Do think global warming is real?
  36. Do you think this is an effect of pollution?
  37. Are worried about global warming?
  38. If you live on an island or on the coast does this increase the danger from global warming? Why?
  39. What’s happening to forests in the world?
  40. What happens when we remove forests?
  41. What can we do to protect forests?
  42. Why should we recycle?
  43. Does your local government make it easy or hard for citizens to recycle?
  44. Are there people in your country who make their living from picking-up other people’s garbage?
  45. How is pollution effecting the environment of the United States today?
  46. How about your own country?
  47. Does your country have a smoking ban law in place?
  48. What are the benefits/ disadvantages of a smoking ban?
  49. How do individual decisions about number of children affect overall population numbers?
  50. What is global warming?
  51. Do you think nuclear power safe? Who should be allowed it and why? Who should police it?
  52. In what ways can we save more water? Please tell your experiences.
  53. What should we do to increase the awareness about environmental pollution?
  54. Do you have any ideas on how to minimize the use of plastic bags and Styrofoam boxes?
  55. Does your local government make it easy or hard for citizens to recycle?
exercise 3: Work with your partner. Choose questions and discuss them.
photo of women at the meeting
E-GK 10-5 xtra: Oral exam

3. analyzing cartoons (environment)

In the oral exam you will be confronted with a cartoon that has to do with environment/pollution/climate change. You will have to analyze it. What does it mean?

When analyzing a cartoon you might follow these 4 steps:

  1. Describe the cartoon (see 1. wordpower: describing pictures)
  2. Which problem(s) does the cartoonist describe? (see 2. wordpower: environment)
  3. Which aspects does the cartoonist want you to see most and what does he want to criticize?
  4. Can you explain other aspects of the topic?
exercise: Here you can find a lot relevant cartoons. Chose one and analyze it (see the 4 steps above) using the words and phrases below.
the point of the cartoon…This cartoon shows…
It focuses on…
It deals with…
It points out…
In my opinion the cartoon is supposed to …
The cartoon implies that …
At first glance one might think that …
a slight / gross exaggeration
a satirical description (of)
the cartoonist….The cartoonist critizizes…
He points out that…
makes us understand that…
The cartoonist may want to convey that …
His message might be that …
Perhaps his intention is to show that …
Critizises the…
other aspects….to refer to … / a reference to …
This cartoon leads us to the general problem of…
We can talk about … as well

photo of landfill
Vocabulary, E-GK 10-5 xtra: Oral exam

2. wordpower: environment

Now, we are discussing about our environment, about pollution and about climate change. Let’s try to get some helpful vocabulary structured:

problems to be seen
– destruction / change of Nature
melting of the polar ice:

weather conditions:
– hot and dry summers
– rising temparatures
– bush fires
– huge areas of destroyed forests
– dead animals
– loss of animal habitats
– droughts will cause bad harvests
– storms
– very cold winters

pollution of air:
– CO2-emissions
– smog
– air pollution
– too much traffic

pollution of water:

deforestation of the rainforest:
– fire clearance of the rainforest

consequencesloss of animal habitats:
– some animal species will get extinct

loss of quality of life:
– spread of diseases

natural disasters:
– sea level rises, floods
reasonsnatural reasaons:

human influences:
– use of traditional energy: nuclear, oil, gas, coal
alternatives – what can be done?awareness:
– education
– campeigns

alternative behaviour:
– use green / renewable energies: solar, water, wind
– use less plastic
– eat less meat and dairy products
– save ressources
– fly less
– use bike or public transport instead of cars, trains, planes etc.
– don’t use your car so often

exercise 1: Copy the vocabulary above.
exercise 2: Do this worksheet (2 pages):

crop unrecognizable person taking photo of night city on smartphone
vocabulary - general, writing - text production, E-GK 10-5 xtra: Oral exam

1. wordpower: describing pictures

1) general description

Wh-Questions: What, When, Where, Who, (How)?

  • It’s a photo / a picture / a painting / a drawing
  • It is colored / black and white
  • In the picture I can see…
  • The picture shows…
  • The title of this picture is
  • There is…/
  • There are…
  • It is in/at
  • I see…
  • This photo was taken by/in…

2) detailed description

Talk about the different areas of the pictures as detailed as possible, but only name the important bits.

  • In the upper left-hand corner there are
  • At the top there is
  • In the upper right-hand corner there is
  • On the left …
  • On the right …
  • In the middle …
  • In the bottom left-hand corner …
  • In the bottom right hand corner …
  • At the bottom …
  • In the foreground …
  • In the background …
  • Out of focus …
  • In focus …

3) What are the people doing?

What are the people wearing? What are they doing? Use the Simple Progressive-Form.

  • She is wearing…
  • They are wearing…
  • The person looks happy/sad/young/old…
  • The is eating…
  • The person is thinking about…

4) What’s your opinion about the picture?

  • I don’t like the picture because
  • I like picture because…


Working in group. Enthusiastic young people sitting in circle and holding their devices while having an exciting group discussion at the lesson
writing - text production, Vocabulary, talking - conversation, E-GK 10-5 xtra: Oral exam

4. wordpower: comment on the cartoon

When you have described the cartoon it’s time to comment on it. Perhaps a discussion will start. Three tips for your comment:

  1. Give your personal opinion of the cartoon and explain it
  2. Do you think it is easy to understand the cartoon?
  3. Do you agree with the cartoonist’s opinion?

Remember your cartoon that you worked on (see 3. wordpower: analyzing cartoons).

exercise: Now comment on your cartoon. Use the 3 steps and the vocabulary aids below.
In ein Thema einführenNow, we are talking about…/discussing….
It’s all about….
This leads us to the question: ….
die eigene MeinungAs far as I’m concerned…
I think…/ I don’t think…
In my opinion…
As far as I know…
My honest opinion is…
I believe that…/ I don’t believe that
I’ve never come across the idea that…
I’m convinced that…
The way I see it…
It seems to me that…
zustimmenI agree with…
I totally/fully/partly agree with….
That’s an important point
Protestieren, dagegen seinI don’t agree with…
I wouldn’t say that…
I don’t think so….
That can’t be right…
I Don’t agree at all…
It’s hard to say…
I’m sorry, but…
Can/May I add something?
Sorry to interrupt you, but…
Abwägen, sich auf Argumente beziehenI must admit that….
You’re right up to a point…
You could be right….
One the one hand it’s true that… but you shouldn’t forget that…
I can understand that… but….
One the one hand… on the other hand….
That’s a matter of opinion.
Beweise finden / behauptenAs a matter of fact….
That’s why…
Opinion among experts is that….
Everybody knows that…
NachfragenWhat do you think?
What’s your opinion about…?
Would you like to say something?
What do you mean?
What are your ideas?
What are you trying to say?