Englisch-GK 10E-GK 10-5 xtra: Oral exam (environment) 30. Dezember 202024. Februar 2021 admin Again, this oral exam will be divided in two parts: Part one: Monologue on a cartoonPart two: Dialogue about topics concerning our environment 1. wordpower: describing pictures1. wordpower: describing pictures 2. wordpower: environment2. wordpower: environment 3. analyzing cartoons (environment)3. analyzing cartoons (environment) 4. wordpower: comment on the cartoon4. wordpower: comment on the cartoon 5. time for discussion5. time for discussion 6. tons of practice6. tons of practice Sources https://www.standardsicherung.schulministerium.nrw.de/cms/upload/angebote/muendliche_kompetenzen/docs/Environment_neu.docx https://www.standardsicherung.schulministerium.nrw.de/cms/muendliche-kompetenzen/angebot-sekundarstufe-i/ Veröffentlicht von admin Alle Beiträge von admin anzeigen